There are now more than 30 people in our Switzerland-based team, whispering sweet nothings to our beers as they brew. 

Why do we talk to our beers? 

So that they become infused with the aromas of our carefully selected ingredients and soak up the spirit that makes our beers like no other. For us, beer is more than a question of (good) taste.











Each one of our beers starts with our production team! 

From devising the recipe to brewing, fermenting and packaging, they look after everything! 

No half-measures: everyone here gives their heart and soul to their work. 

The logistics team prepares your order and makes sure it arrives with you in good shape! 

They know every inch of the warehouse and every route around the region by heart. 





logistics et delivery














Finally, we have the sales, administration, marketing and events management teams, and others who spend their days in the brewery’s offices. 

They too pour everything into their work to ensure that we serve as successful ambassadors for quality craft beer.


Switzerland has the most breweries per resident.